联盈控成立于2017年,是专注铝电解电容的设计、开发、制造和销售,源于2005年成立的深圳旺兴电子科技有限公司重造而来; 公司总部位于广东东莞松山湖科学城,拥有省级实验室,构建了从客户端应用环境、材料、工艺、产品、制造技术五位一体的研发体系,以及新一代信息技术构建的科学管理系统,已经成为变频器、逆变器、照明等国内、国外行业领导者策略供应商...
Tremendous involvemen with power departur, master curement, liaisonin and workin with state ideal mix of worldwide experience and skill to additional our attention on innovation.
Tremendous involvemen with power departur, master curement, liaisonin and workin with state ideal mix of worldwide experience and skill to additional our attention on innovation.
Tremendous involvemen with power departur, master curement, liaisonin and workin with state ideal mix of worldwide experience and skill to additional our attention on innovation.
Tremendous involvemen with power departur, master curement, liaisonin and workin with state ideal mix of worldwide experience and skill to additional our attention on innovation.